The Sacred Powers of Procreation

The Sacred Powers of Procreation
(Sexual Purity Before and After Marriage)

The topic I wish to discuss this is week this the importance of sexual purity, and how sacred the powers of procreation really are. My first impressions when I began to think on this topic were all the trials that people go through when they do not view sex in a respectful or sacred way. From having a baby out of wedlock to infidelity in marriage, there can be some serious issues that can occur when we do not value the importance of appropriate chastity. I was glad that this is subject I know something about, having been married and been able to see how our views before and after marriage is equally important. 

Really to me, sexual purity is all about what we do, how we think, and eventually who we are. It is more than avoiding sex until we are married, it is learning to understand and control the natural urges given to bring people together. Learning how important and sacred that sex can be under the appropriate circumstances. For those who are encountering issues tied to sexual purity, I would offer this council. You are not alone, there are those among you who love you, and just because you have made a mistake, does not mean you are any less of a human being. You are wonderful. There are many out there who are willing to help you through your dilemma, first you may talk to family or friends, but there other resources out there to help as well. The best thing you can do however, is turn to God in prayer. He will guide you to answers and insights that will life your burdens and bring light back into your situation. 

I have family members who have struggled with remaining pure, but when left with the options of repentance, they have taken it. Remaining faithful in these hard times takes conviction, and conviction is gained by acting and seeing results. For those struggling in a reoccurring situation, I would invite you to break the loop, and start of the path to purity. 

I wanted to share a few website to help those who are still discovering where they stand on the subject of sexual purity. 

This first link will take you to my church's website and views on sexual purity. Reading these words and following the counsel found on this site helped me to have the courage to remain pure for my future spouse. 

This study, done by the Institute for Family Studies, shows a trend in the stability of marriages based on the number of partners that one of the spouses has. We all want a stable marriage, but what are we doing to get there. It seems that having less partners, actually helps a marriage be more stable. 
Take a look!

This third link shares a list of things to avoid, to keep the mind pure and having good thoughts about the opposite sex. That list in general would help many people to live purer lives. 

To end, I hope this scripture can bring peace to those who are challenged with remaining pure, remember that your purity is something that only you can give away, so do not take that responsibility lightly. 

"... For behold, many of the daughters of the Lamanites have they taken prisoner; and after depriving them of that which is most dear and precious above all things, which is chastity and virtue. "
- Moroni 9:9


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