Using Statistics: What Factors Impact Gun Use?


    Imagine a word where each action could be quantified in numerical form. Where numbers could be used to better understand every relationship and why certain things in life happen more often than others. The beauty of statistics is that this is the case. Once data is accurately collected, it can be utilized to learn about why events happen or occur. 

Data Collected: Gun Use

    The data that was collected for this example was gun use, as well as certain identifiers such as race and marital status. Using R Studio, these numerical representations were utilized to discover how which populations used guns most often, as well as which used guns least often. Although the labels may be difficult to read, look at the graphs below and try to discover which demographics answered yes to using guns most often. 

Note: from left to right the labels read
Mexican American, Other Hispanic, Non-Hispanic White, Non-Hispanic Black, Non-Hispanic Asian, Other Races: Multi Racial

Note: the labels read (From left to right)
Married, Widowed, Divorces, Seperated, Never Married, Living with Partner, Refused to answer. 

If you guess was divorced whites, then you would be correct. Now this does not mean that you should be more weary of identified whites who are divorced. The data also shows that identified Asians who have never been married reported the least amount of gun use. These numbers simply start to paint a part of the picture when it comes to gun use and demographics. This information could inform future studies, looking specifically at why divorced individuals report more gun use than others. 

One of the goals of research and statistics in general is to figure out why certain things happen. When numbers inform future research this is more likely to happen. Next time you have a question, such as why therapy works for some but not others, think about how research, numbers, and statistics may be able to help you answer that question. You might be the first to find the answer with a little bit of effort. 

Good luck! Statistics rules!


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