The Family: A Proclamation of Action

The Family: A Proclamation of Action

The Family: A Proclamation to the World outlines the purposes of family and the divine roles of a fathers, mothers, husbands, and wives. It lays out clearly how to organize the family and how to make the family experience the most enjoyable. The last and final paragraph of the proclamation serves as a call to arms, inviting everyone to support the words in the proclamation because they are the words of God. It reads...

WE CALL UPON responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society.

How can the everyday "joe" like you and me promote these measures to strengthen the family. One of the most important things we can do is begin living the council that we gain from the proclamation. By living it, the people around you will begin to see the difference and ask themselves what you are doing differently. We can also all promote these efforts by hanging the proclamation in our home, or by being faithful enough to give on to a friend and teach them about it. Spreading the word is a vital part of promoting this true doctrine.

I know as well as anyone that promoting God's word is not always comfortable and can be cause for others to attack and provoke you to do evil. After serving a mission in the South and learning how to preach while being provoked, I have a few suggestions.

1. The spirit of contention is not of God. If someone you are talking to, or trying to promote the values from the proclamation to, wants to raise their voice and verbally fight about it then you can be the one to end that conversation. The spirit, and even God, will not be a part of the conversation. When contention arises, just say that you feel this topic is to important to become angry over and that you would rather have a conversation at a normal voice level. Mention that you want to see the value of their point of view if they are willing to see the value of your own. Make the conversation one where their is growth, opposed to just contention.

2. Be willing to learn. Most people you come in contact with will be passionate about their point of view because that is what the world has taught them. When you are willing to learn more about them and why they believe what they believe then you will be able to teach them to their needs. Your ability to listen will also help your friendship to go and this will cause the other person to not want to argue.

3. Talk to your bishop when you are in need of help. Your bishop has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to how to talk to people about issues that they might be sensitive too. Utilize this tool by learning for him. His council might help you be able to promote the proclamation in areas that you originally thought impossible to do so.

Overall, it is the duty of everyone who knows of the doctrine held within "The Family: A Proclamation to the World" to promote it. After reading this blog post, as well as many others that are on this website, you should feel prepared and ready to do so. I know that I am ready to promote this doctrine. This call to arms will bring the spirit into your home and help your family come closer to God.

Good Luck!


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