Sexual Purity: The Website

Sexual Purity: The Website

Throughout this semester of school at BYU-Idaho I have taken a religion course based around the importance of eternal families. While in the class, I was assigned a group as well as a subject to which we created a website. Our topic was sexual purity! Our finished webiste's link is...

Initially I was excited about the prospect of studying sexual purity, but worried that in the stage of life I am in there isn't much I could apply to my own self. I had only recently been married and a large aspect of sexual purity is abstaining from sex before marriage. I came to learn that purity comes in more forms that this. Being sexually pure is not something that ends after marriage, but rather continues for the rest of our lives. It is a marker of how we think about others, especially our spouse. It has to do with what we allow into our minds, choosing consciously to allow holy things into our minds. This happens as we choose appropriate media, make appropriate friends, and control our carnal impulses. Once married this has to do with our interactions with our spouse and having complete fidelity with them. Over the last few weeks of working on this project, I have come to realize how important it is to know what sexual purity is and how to live it. These simple truths, if utilized correctly can make life much easier. On the opposite side, if someone chooses to not be sexually pure, it can mold their life into one that is significantly harder than it needs to be.

The purpose of our website is to help people build faith in themselves concerning their own sexual purity. This end is accomplished by showing the negative and positive outcomes. These outcomes are not meant to be hurtful, but they are realities that are gained only through the proper channels. This website also talks about covenants and shares several helpful resources to help a person continue in faith towards a more sexually pure future. I believe this website elicits faith to those who are willing to put forth faith as well.

Whether you have struggled with your own sexual purity or not, you surely know someone who has. No matter the current situation, all that can be done is to start living a better life each day. That means making small changes and establishing heavenly habits. The first source of guidance on what to change will be Heavenly Father. When you pray with sincerity for this guidance it will come. Next is yourself, spend time to think about the choices you have made in your life. If there are things that you have done sexually, or thoughts you have had that make you feel bad or guilty then these are the things you should change. Other resources can be found on the website, including talks given on the subject and possible therapy options if needed.

So far creating a website on this subject has been an excellent format for learning. It also serves as a personal diary of information that can be pulled from later. My vocational aspiration is to become a Marriage and Family Therapist. With this job I will surely be counseling others who are struggling with issues of sexual purity. This website will serve as a tool to help me be able to help these people. Having learned about it, and reflected on my own experience helps me to help others as well.


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