Why Start Blogging?

Why Start Blogging?

Starting a blog is never the easiest thing to do, in fact its easier for each of us to just keep our opinions to ourselves. The only issue with this is that there would be very little learning. Imagine if the great inventions of the world were never shared. The Wright brothers would have never shown the world we could fly airplanes, Graham Alexander Bell would have never taught us that we could talk over the phone, and Marcellus Gilmore Edson would have never introduced the world to peanut butter. Each of these inventions have literally shaped our world, but life would have been very different if these opinions, ideas, and thoughts were never shared. Blogging is a tool that we can all use to share. 

As members of the Lord's Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, blogging allows us an opportunity to share our beliefs with the world. We are all missionaries and it is important to stand up for what we believe, but to do so in a positive way and not a negative one. We can not allow to spirit to touch the hearts of those who read our blogs if we are being nasty, mean, or belittling in our outlook. However on the other side, as we are kind and loving, we can make a difference in a greater number of people's lives through writing a blog and posting it online. 

The reason I write a blog is because I want to remember what I am learning, progressing towards, and growing into. I want a place where I can refer to my past knowledge while still being able to share and maybe touch just one persons heart. One of the major reasons is because it is a memory I can leave behind for my children. The literal words of their own father, permanently available to them in times of need. 

Other Questions:
1. Which talks did I learn from?
Articles, "Sharing Via Blogs" and "Better Blogging"

How familiar are you with digital creation?
I had the opportunity to start a blog during my 3rd semester of college, and learned then the value and familiarity necessary to creating content online. 

What specific message did you receive while studying on this subject?
I learned that I need to keep sharing and recording what I learn even when I am not specifically assigning to do so for a class. One of the greatest blessings we have living in this technological age is that we can easily access information. I want to use my blog as an extended memory for my brain. A place where I can jump start my memory on things of importance that I might need in the future. 


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