The Family: A Proclamation To You

The Family: A Proclamation To You

"The Family: A Proclamation To The World" is a list of beliefs for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It addresses everything from where we came from before this life to the responsibilities of each Father and Mother. It even shares our beliefs on how God intended a marriage and family to look. Today the proclamation may be considered controversial, as it leaves no gray area as to how the Lord would have us live. In our day however, the definition of marriage, and family roles is shifting on such a sandy surface that it is sure to collapse eventually. The interesting thing about the proclamation to the world, is that is was given in 1995, years before much of these modern day conflicts became truly controversial. The Family: A Proclamation To The World is revelation from God that I full heartedly believe. I know that if the words in this document were followed, then much heartbreak could have been avoided. 

Without sharing the entire document at once (although you can get to it in the link at the end of this blog post) I want to just look at the first paragraph, which reads...

"WE, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children"

Each word of this revelation is carefully crafted to make it's contents both plain and simple for everyone to understand. The document begins by letting us know who the address is from, from the first presidency and the council of the twelve. These men are in every way apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Peter, James, John, Thomas and Philip were all apostles while the Savior walked on earth in the flesh, even so are these men his Apostles while he still lives in heaven, directing the work of his righteous saints. It is significant that they begin by letting the world know who they are, because it gives validity to the rest of the proclamation. 

The word solemn means to be earnest and serious. They, "solemnly proclaim that marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God" because this isn't something the Lord wants to be misunderstood. These men, as well as the Lord Almighty, know that in future days there will be much division over the definition of marriage, but they also know the seriousness, the solemnity, of the Lords definition. Similarly the word ordain has a few definitions. It means to predestine, to decree, to establish as law, or to command. In the context of the proclamation, the Lord is saying that marriage, between a man and a woman, is a predestined, natural, occurrence. A commandment or law to be done in this holy order. 

It is interesting to note that in 1831, 164 years before the proclamation was revealed to the First Presidency, The prophet Joseph Smith received another revelation from  the Lord which explained that "marriage is ordained of God unto man". If you notice their is a distinct difference between this revelation and the one outlined in the proclamation. God has always revealed his word bit by bit throughout history, as his children have been ready. At this time it isn't only important that marriage be something we plan to do, but also that it should be between only a man and a woman. In Joseph's day, perhaps their was not a thought in their mind that marriage could be any other way than between man and woman, however in the 21st century the definition of marriage is being questioned. Knowing the changes in the world, it makes sense that the Lord would further narrow his definition of marriage to allow the most blessing and least heartbreak to his children. 

I believe that the Family is central to God's plan. We spend on average 18 years of our lives living with our birth families, and then 40-50 years spent with our spouse with a family of our own. It is no wonder that the families are where we spend the most time, but I believe they are also where we learn the most, and become who we are. Everyone wants to be their best, and especially be with their family forever, and the family atmosphere is where this takes place. It is central to God's plan because it is where we learn to be true Christians, good genuine people, who will make heaven a place that heavenly people would want to live. 

I know that God's plan for all of us, for all of his children, is to have us become as perfect as we can. To live at the peak of our joy, and through doing so be able to go back to heaven after a life well spent on earth. We each have a destiny to become more than earth-dwellers worried about politics or grades. God see's the potential in each of us, but it is up to us to reach that potential. This revelation shares so many important guidelines to help us get there. 

The Family: A Proclamation To The World contains many now controversial passages. My goal in reviewing them is never to offend anyone for their way of living, thinking, or believing. However I do believe that this document is a message from the God of this universe. So if I have to choose to stand behind a God who I know is real, and offend a few, I will. 

This is only One Mann's Viewpoint, your welcome to go find another. 



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