Christ will Provide
Christ will Provide
This week I had the pleasure of learning again, in depth, the miracle of feeding the five hundred. This story shows up a few times in the New Testament, but I ran into it again while reading in Mark chapter 6. For those who are unfamiliar with this miracle, I will give a short and quick breakdown.
The Savior and his apostles are in the wilderness and people come to be taught by him. Many came and learned with him. As the day went on the apostles asked of Jesus what they should do for these people. They needed to eat, but there were so many people. The apostles suggested sending the people back to the city to get food for themselves. Jesus Christ had a different idea, inviting his apostles to go out among the people and collect all the food they had. They collected only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes. After Jesus blessed this food and separated the people into groups, he was able to feed them all. It was a miracle that this small sacrifice of food was multiplied into so much more to feed the followers of Christ. There was even 12 baskets worth of food left over after everyone had eaten.
This miracle is an incredible feat because it is completely unfathomable to the human mind. Logically food does not multiply after prayer, but in this miracle it did. This is just the first layer of this story. As I studied deeper and learned more I was able to find out several reasons that this was even more amazing.
Before I go into all the reasons that this is one of my favorite miracles, I invite you to watch the video produced by my Church. This video depicts this miracle.
Here are just a few of the reasons that this miracle stood out, as well as what I learned from this new knowledge gained about the story.
1. Verse 44 in Mark chapter 6 mentions that there were about five hundred men present. This is why we call it the miracle of feeding the five thousand. What is not reported is the number of woman and children who were also present. Surely there were far more people present then just five thousand men. I am in awe that even five thousand could be fed with this small amount, but to imagine that there were even more. This blows me away. It teaches me that the number is not what was important, it was simply important that all were fed.
2. This miracle also teaches us about the Atonement. Elder Holland taught us to not "worry about Christ running out of the ability to help you. His grace is sufficient. That is the spiritual, eternal lesson of the feeding of the 5,000". I completely agree with Elder Holland. This story teaches me that Christ is will always provide for us when we ask and sacrifice. In this miracle there were people in need and the Savior helped. I know that the same goes for his atonement.
3. I also learn a lot from the fact that there was so much food left over after everyone had been fed. The Savior's grace is more than we can even bear. He will bless us more than we even expect or need. In essence I learned that the Saviors power is in excess to give to others. Thus there is always enough and more for any other followers that choose the gospel.
4. Another important thing to note in this story is the sacrifice of the people who had brought food when so many had not. They did not have to give away their 5 loaves and 2 fishes. No person present would steal it from them, but they gave willingly to the Lord. These nameless individuals and their sacrifice helped feed so many. Similarly, when we pay our fast offerings we are able to feed so many. We remain nameless, but the miracle will never be forgotten to those who receive it.
There are many other reasons that I love this miracle, but the main reason is that it increases my faith. I have had experiences in my life that have shown me the power of God and gave my testimony a solid ground to stand on. For the people who were fed in this case, they experiences something that would strengthen their faith forever. It reminds me of Joseph Smith, who saw the Father and Jesus Christ in the flesh. Many people wanted him to deny this, but he could not because he knew it to be true. All those who were fed with those few loaves and fishes knew just the same that Jesus was the Savior. They could not deny it. This may have even been one of the events that spring-boarded the growth of the church in those days. That is a lot of converts for one day.
Each of the miracles performed by Jesus has several levels just like this one does. If we are willing to study and learn all we can then there is so much more we can get out of the scriptures.
If you don't believe me, that okay. I invite you to go find out for yourself.
This is just one Mann's viewpoint.
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