Utilizing Media to Teach
Utilizing Media to Teach
Media can be a very useful tool for telling a story or creating a dialog that is deeper than only words. Often when music, video, and photos are used it can help the reader to visualize and therefore feel the words. Anyone who has seen the harry potter movies likely cannot now read the books without seeing those actors faces in their minds in place of the characters they read. This is because our minds create the story in we read with images and feelings.
For the past several weeks, I have been working with a group of students at my college to develop a website. The website, called https://reallovewaits4u.weebly.com/, is all about looking at the different perspective in the world on the topic of procreation and sexual purity. The goal of the website is to help readers learn more about the subject, and with their knowledge be able to make better choices for their themselves, their children, and their future. One thing the website is lacking is photos of families. I have decided to share a few photos of families here, with commentary, to show how useful simple photos can be in telling a story.
Procreation is all about how a child enters into this world. This baby for instance is innocent and cannot care for itself. Its support in all ways must be provided for. That is why it is important to think about how babies come into this world, and what they need.

Before the baby even comes, it takes two people. A male and a female who come together in an intimate moment. There union literally creates life. This should not be taken lightly. That is why sexual purity is so important. When two people have sexual intercourse it is not just pleasure they are feelings, but the power of God to bring life into the world. A life that must be cared for.

After sexual intercourse takes place, this happy couple is no longer accountable for themselves. they are now accountable for each other and a child that might be born. Remembering that although birth control can prevent pregnancy, nothing is 100%. That is why remaining sexually pure before marriage allows a child the best opportunity of having both a father and a mother, married and committed to be there for each other and for the duration of the child's life. When we do not remain sexually pure and have sexual intercourse outside of marriage we put at risk the future child's security and forget the god-given power in us to create life.

Married couples provide the best environment for a child to grow up because there is both a mother and father present. Both are able to provide different, and very needed, traits, ideas, and abilities to the child to help them develop to be their best. Look at the photos of fathers playing with their children and think of memories you have made with your own Dad.

Now do the same with your mother. What has she added to your life.

It is clear that both a mother and a father bring something distinctly different and useful to a child's life. The most important part of families to me is what draws them together. For some it might be common goals, for others it could be Sunday dinners. For my family we are drawn together by Jesus Christ. Our commitment to him and the promise we have to be a family forever keeps us close.

This media project gave me the chance to reflect on how useful media can be. It can help the reader to better understand the story. I hope that some of the images I have found can be useful to the completion of our website. I look forward to having you check it out in the near future.
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