The Family: A Proclamation To You
The Family: A Proclamation To You "The Family: A Proclamation To The World" is a list of beliefs for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It addresses everything from where we came from before this life to the responsibilities of each Father and Mother. It even shares our beliefs on how God intended a marriage and family to look. Today the proclamation may be considered controversial, as it leaves no gray area as to how the Lord would have us live. In our day however, the definition of marriage, and family roles is shifting on such a sandy surface that it is sure to collapse eventually. The interesting thing about the proclamation to the world, is that is was given in 1995, years before much of these modern day conflicts became truly controversial. The Family: A Proclamation To The World is revelation from God that I full heartedly believe. I know that if the words in this document were followed, then much heartbreak could have been avoided. W...